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Bionorica compensates sales of the cannabis division

Herbal drug manufacturer gains market shares in all countries
- Significant growth compared with competition
- Clinical trial shows effect in the market
- Bionorica fastest growing OTC company in Germany(1) and Russia(2)

Prof. Popp (on the right) and Dr. Baumann at the Press Conference on Annual Results 2020

Neumarkt i.d.OPf., Düsseldorf, 06/03/2020 – With a strong dynamic edge compared to the competition, the Sinupret manufacturer Bionorica, market leader for scientifically researched herbal remedies, is expanding its position in Germany and other countries. At the annual press conference in Düsseldorf today, the group of companies announced a 7.3 percent increase in sales to EUR 333.5 million(3). Despite negative developments in various pharmaceutical markets, Bionorica's international sales actually increased by 10.75 percent to EUR 206 million.


Market shares of Bionorica preparations continue to rise
“With these results, Bionorica remains on track for success. In 2019, we compensated for the sales of the cannabis division with our core business and gained market shares in all countries”, emphasizes Prof. Dr. Michael A. Popp, CEO and owner of Bionorica SE. Taking Germany as an example: Increased sales of Sinupret, Bronchipret, Imupret and Canephron have increased the market share in the phyto market to 16.4 percent(4). “In 2019, German pharmacies sold more than 11 million units of Sinupret alone, making it the best-selling herbal medicine in Germany(5). The development of all our preparations has made Bionorica the most dynamic and fastest growing company among the top 10 German OTC companies(6)”, adds Dr. Uwe Baumann, Head of Global Business at Bionorica SE.

Herbal remedy on a par with an antibiotic
One of the factors contributing to this growth was the internationally published clinical trial on Canephron, which has received much attention from physicians and pharmacists. The study proves that the herbal remedy is not inferior to an antibiotic in the treatment of acute uncomplicated urinary tract infections(7). Bionorica is thus contributing to the reduction of antibiotic prescriptions. Against this background, Canephron saw a significant year-on-year increase in pharmacy sell-out sales in units in 2019 in Germany as well as in Russia, Poland and Austria(8). The company also hopes that the recent inclusion of Sinupret extract in the official treatment guideline “European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps” (EPOS) of the European and international professional ENT associations(9) will generate further market impetus.

Research to be further expanded
Bionorica plans to build on these research successes. “We want to bring new medicinal products to market maturity in the foreseeable future, including in the fields of metabolic syndrome, liver health and urology”, said Prof. Popp. For this reason, the globally unique natural substance research centre Phytovalley® in the Tyrolean capital of Innsbruck will be further strengthened. In addition to existing in-house research facilities and cooperations, the Bavarian entrepreneur founded the “Michael Popp Research Institute for new Phyto Entities” together with the State of Tyrol, which opened in January 2020. The focus is on new therapeutic approaches for inflammation, metabolic disorders and cancer.

Equity ratio and number of employees on the rise again
Bionorica is financially well positioned for this ambitious research programme. The equity ratio(10), which rose to 83.8 percent in 2019, will ensure further organic growth independent of banks. In 2020, the herbal remedy maker plans to invest almost EUR 50 million. A new office building is currently being constructed at the company headquarters in Neumarkt, which will provide space for an additional 200 employees. As a result of the 3.4 percent increase in the number of employees in 2019, the company employed 1,822 people worldwide at the end of 2019, with more than half of them in Germany(11). New additions include 70 employees in Turkey with an own site in Istanbul. Three Bionorica preparations are already available in Turkish pharmacies, and further products will be introduced gradually. Market entry in France and Spain is planned for next year.


1. Insight Health ApoFusion, Pharmacy sell-out sales in Euro at retail price level, “OTC market”: Pharmaceuticals, phyto-pharmaceuticals, dietetics, homeopathy, medical devices, food supplements and anthroposophy

2. IQVIA, Russia: best companies in absolute sales growth, MAT 06/19
3. Finance, SAP, sales 2019 adjusted for the Bionorica cannabis division sold in 2019; preliminary sales, auditor's certificate pending (sales 2019: EUR 333.5 million / 2018: EUR 310.7 million = growth of 7.3%)
4. Insight Health ApoFusion, pharmacy sell-out sales in units, “phyto-market”: All OTC phyto-pharmaceuticals, Bionorica phyto-portfolio: excluding Rinupret, Mastodynon and Tonsipret
5. Insight Health ApoFusion, Sinupret pharmacy sell-out sales in units
6. Insight Health ApoFusion, pharmacy sell-out sales in euros at retail price level, ,MAT 12/2019 vs. MAT 12/2018 and MAT 12/2019 vs. MAT 12/2017, OTC market: Pharmaceuticals, phyto-pharmaceuticals, dietetics, homeopathy, medical devices, food supplements and anthroposophy
7. CanUTI-7 study

8. Canephron pharmacy sell-out sales in units: Germany + 14.8% (Insight Health Apo Fusion), Poland + 97.5% (Pharma Sequence), Austria +70.1% (Iqvia), Russia + 39.4% (DSM)

9. “European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps” (EPOS) 2020, in Rhinology, Vol. 58, supplement 29, Feb 2020, Official Journal of the European and International Rhinology Societies and of the Confederation of European ORL-HNS
10. Financial statement of Bionorica SE, equity ratio 2019: 83.8% and 2018: 74.7%
11. Number of employees as of the reporting date 31/12/2019


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